Top 10 Best Hiking Shoes for Kids & Toddlers

Top 10 Best Hiking Shoes for Kids & Toddlers

By Brianna Leonhard • November 9, 2022

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I was one of the last people to jump on the bandwagon for hiking shoes for kids. I truly always believed that tennis shoes would be just fine for the easier hiking trails that we go on with our kids.

However, I had a friend rave about a pair of REI kids hiking shoes she bought on clearance before a trip to the mountains so we decided to try them. I am going to be honest-they made a huge difference!

My son and daughter have different types of toddler hiking shoes, but they also now own kids hiking shoes that are waterproof. So, we personally own quite a few varieties on this list and have polled our closest friends for the remaining category winners.

We also did a quick reader review of the top kids hiking shoes right now. Here they are by category:

Keep reading to find out why these are the best shoes in each category and how you can order them!

Best Hiking Shoes for Kids

The best hiking shoes for kids will be different for every family depending on your child’s shoe preferences and what kind of hiking you will use them for. Your budget will also impact this decision.

We broke this list up into several categories so that you can easily find what you are looking for, whether it’s girls hiking shoes, hiking shoes for toddlers, or top brands like Salomon kids shoes/REI kids hiking shoes.

Hiking shoes for kids vary in price, depending on the type of shoe you are looking for and the name of the brand. In general, the cheapest kids hiking shoe will be around $30 with the most expensive exceeding $100.

Choosing a child’s hiking boot size is the same as choosing a child’s regular shoe size. In fact, you want to make sure hiking shoes fit well so that children can navigate uneven terrain without falling. Different brands will be sized differently for kids hiking shoes, just like tennis shoes and sandals brands will vary in size/shape.

The exception to this rule would be if you are in the market for snow boots for kids. These can often use some extra space to accommodate thick socks, but you still usually only go up a half size.

Personally, I believe kids hiking shoes are extremely helpful for hiking through the woods/on trails. They protect little feet from sharp objects while also keeping them stable to prevent twisted ankles.

Hiking shoes vs hiking boots will definitely be a personal preference. Many parents like to buy toddler hiking boots to provide the extra ankle support for their young children. Hiking shoes do not provide this support but are lighter weight and usually not as easy to trip in.

They can, and they should! See our reviews above and take note of the shoes that are waterproof. Aside from specifically purchasing kids water shoes, you can buy one pair of hiking shoes that double as water shoes.

Check out our reviews above for hiking shoes that are waterproof. Specifically Keen makes a waterproof hiking sandal that is great for kids!

Kids can 100% hike in tennis shoes. However, kids hiking shoes have features that tennis shoes do not like waterproof mesh, bump toes, and lightweight material. All of these features make trail navigation a lot easier than tennis shoes will.

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